About Us
The Vision
We want to see every nation redeemed and transformed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s it. Did Jesus really mean what He said? We believe He did. Our vision is simply to fulfill His last command – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.”
The Strategy
Help spread the kingdom message in preparation for the second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.Prepare a people with kingdom mind-set who will give support and sponsorship to the rapid spread of cutting edge messages from the body of Christ.
The Mission
To equip and inspire strategically positioned leaders to more effectively demonstrate and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to prepare others to do the same. To facilitate ways and means of resource generation for Ministries and Ministers through giving and business ideas.
What else we provide?
Global Outreach
Elvision efforts to minister to both spiritual and physical needs of people, we embark on outreach programs.
Education and learning will be the bedrock of our engagement if we’re to do a good job and manage funds effectively. Many methods are to be utilized especially digital and online learning using social media among others.
El vision carries out seminars,trainings and workshops from time to time on issues of importance to the work of missions and its development.